Monday, October 10, 2011


hehehe... shida join contest ke?

What should you do to win the fabulous prize from Victoria's Secret?

1. Write an entry entitled "PERFUMES FARM CONTEST"
2. Put your most cheerful picture inside your entry.
3. Link your entry to this site.
4. Comment this entry and put your entry link so that I can visit your page.
5. The most cheerful picture will be the winner.

no.1 checked!
- seperti tajuk entri di atas...

no.2 checked!
- agak2 gambar aku terbahak2 gini ley jadi the most cheerful picture tak? pesanan ea, gmbo ni aku tengah gelak kat member, bukan gelak sorang2... hahaha!

no.3 checked!
- link ke site <Perfumes Farm>

no.4 checked!
- hehehe... dah publish entri ni terus komen...

no.5 ???
- nak jadi winner... ehem3, boleh la... boleh la...

Pssttt: tak berapa minat ngan perfume tapi nak la kalau free tu... haha!


shIdA said...

hehe... xde peluang pon... sje je join2...

dhiera zainudin said...

good luck!!
salam perkenalan!

shIdA said...

@dhiera: slm perkenalan jgk... hehe...